Good Questions That Brilliant Evolutionists Cannot Answer

·Why is there not one single documented case of the spontaneous generation of new genetic information from a random/naturalistic process?  Have mutations ever been observed to do anything but scramble genetic information?

·Why is it that genetic change in an organism from one generation to the next is always horizontal or downward, never upward?  And why is such breeding or devolution dishonestly referred to as evidence of  vertical evolution?

·Why is no vertical evolution observed in malaria protists after hundreds of thousands of generations in a laboratory?  Why do similar studies in bacteria show changes in size and nothing else?

·How could a reproductive system evolve, when a reproductive system is a prerequisite for the concept of natural selection?

·Why is it that there is not a continuum of organisms in the fossil record, but only sudden appearances of fully-functioning organisms?

·Why is it that the geologic column is not found in nature, per textbook pictures?  For example, why is it that "primitive" fossils are sometimes found in layers above "advanced" ones?

·Carbon-14 is found in all living things, but it cannot possibly exist longer than 100,000 years after death due to its rapid rate of  radioactive decay.  Why is it that Carbon-14 is found in coal, crude oil, and even diamonds-even after calibrating for atmospheric C-14?

·Why is it that multiple radiometric dating methods yield widely different results on any one igneous rock sample?  And why is it that fresh igneous rock in the Mt. St. Helens lava dome dates at 2.4 million years old?

·Why do geologists say the Grand Canyon took million and millions of years to form, when a mini-grand canyon with hundreds of strata were created in two weeks at Mt. St. Helens?

·How could pre-Cambrian organisms, claimed to be nearly a billion years old, live in tidal areas when, based on the current receding orbit of the moon, the moon would have created catastrophic tides at that time?  …Unlike the perfectly balanced tidal flows today.

·What possible basis is there for believing that soft tissue could endure in a T-Rex femur if it was actually 70 million years old?  What method of preservation could accomplish this?

·Why do evolutionists pretend to know the ages of fossils, when in fact there is no radiometric method of dating them?

·Why is it that there is no agreement about the tree of life, and which organisms fall along any given sequence, or branch, on that tree?  Do you actually know the sequence of development for anything?

·How could irreducibly complex organs develop serially and successively, when countless features would have to develop in parallel for any such system or organ to be functional at all?

·What is the mechanism proposed that would cause punctuated equilibrium?  (Term invented by Gould.)

·Why are so-called vestigial organs offered as evidence of evolution, when, if they were truly vestigial, would merely prove that genetic information is being lost-in the process of devolution?

·Have the PhD degrees been revoked for the 500+ “scientists” who did their doctoral dissertations on Piltdown Man over a 40-year period?  …now that it has been proven to be a fake, a human scull combined with an orangutan jawbone and stained with tea to make them look old?

·The Second Law of Thermodynamics (endlessly increasing disorder) can never, ever, be suspended (even in an open system) except in the presence of design. So why do evolutionists dismiss the Second Law by invoking photosynthesis as an example-which itself is a pre-existing design, already in plant DNA?

·Evolutionists propose a fairly detailed timeline regarding when the evolution for different kinds of organisms occurred.  Presumably the time frame was calculated from estimates of such variables as the number of "tiny gradual steps" needed, the average length of a generation, and the probabilities for each mutation to occur.  Can anyone show me this calculation?  Or is it just made up out of thin air?